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Un Hotel en Cuernavaca con albercas increíbles

Un Hotel en Cuernavaca con albercas increíbles

Un Hotel en Cuernavaca con albercas increíbles

We know that finding hotels with a pool in Cuernavaca is a simple task, since almost all of them have a pool, however, when it comes to building a complete experience, where the pools have added value to offer, very few achieve it.

It is considered a bio pool, since it has
aquatic plants that purify water and take care of the
natural balance of it, keeping it clean
throughout the year. Its emerald color makes it
attractive for amazing photos. It is surrounded by
green foliage amidst tranquility and privacy
that characterizes the hotel. Plus, it's eco-friendly!
and environmentally friendly! A way of
enjoy nature to the surface.

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